Patents looking to save a little money at the dispensary should read this, here's why:
If you're one who's looking to save a huge amount of money and be able to use cannabis at it’s maximum potential, the solution for you would be to dive into the world of microdosing.
Micro-dosing is exactly what it sounds like, dosing with a micro( little amount) of cannabis per consumption. It is probably the best way to handle your medical cannabis care when first starting out as a new patient. Recent studies have shown that you really do not need nearly as much THC in your system as you think, and if you're wanting to save some money without landing in a state of couch lock ever time you consume… you should try micro-dosing for sure.
Micro dosing of cannabis is real simple. What you would do is basically take any dose of THC or CBD that is under 10 milligrams threshold. The best way to go about microdosing would be to find a really low dose of edibles somewhere between 2MG - 5MG.
This is what you would call an ironclad microdose, if the labeling information is correct that is. Microdosing can help with a lot of things from depression, anxiety, pain and PTSD.
The benefits of microdosing for cannabis patients are:
1. It will save you a lot of money in the long run.
2. It saves you time from taking trips to the dispensary and picking up more cannabis.
3. It would help you better understand how much cannabis is really needed for your daily use.
This list can go on and on but on the other side of the fence it can be frustrating when you’re looking for that heavy euphoric high when you want it.
As I said before the safest way to microdose would be to choose an edible that is between 1MG AND 10MG. Edibles are easy to dose because they are manufactured and tested for the dosage inside the product usually ranging from 1MG all the way up to 5000MG.
If you do get your hands on an edible that is extremely high in THC content, you should just break it into smaller pieces to lower the amount of total THC cannabinoids that you take in. If you choose to smoke flower or vape for your micro-dosing, it is much harder to actually calculate the total dosage you inhale per drag. I've heard that a match-stick head amount of cannabis flower will do the trick if you're looking to micro-dose this common way.
If you do decide to use edibles, please do yourself a favor and do not eat the entire package or take the entire dose at one time.
What you want to do, like I said, is to make sure your actually consuming edibles within a 1 to 5 milligram CBD or THC dosage and give it time to process. The true effects can take up to two hours to kick in.
The goal of micro-dosing is to stay below the threshold of 10 milligrams THC in a single dose.
In recent years, there has been studies where results show that lower doses of CBD and THC ranging between 1MG and 10MGS actually relieved more pain than another cannabis product that contained between 11 and 16MGS in a single day.
Results showed the product with a larger amount of THC had no more real benefits than the low dosed product. As a matter of fact the larger doses of THC has been reported to increased anxiety and paranoia in studied patients. This only further supports the case for patients like you to practice micro dosing of THC for anxiety and depression.
If you're a user who already uses cannabis at a heavy rate this is how you can start practicing micro-dosing... It’s super easy!
All you have to do is a detox pretty much. I would recommend flushing your system for at least 72 hours. That's pretty much it, I’m no doctor though but I figure that by just resetting your system and after you've been clean for about three or four days you should be able to get starting in the micro-dosing game.