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Terpenes are the aromatic, organic compounds responsible for the scents that many plants produce – including cannabis. For instance, when someone puts their nose to a fresh cracked beer or stops to enjoy the fragrance of a flower, cuts into a lemon, elopes in their freshly washed laundry,  walks among pine trees, or inhaling the aroma of a freshly ground bud from your favorite dispensary, they are lost (for a moment) in the fragrance of terpenes.


There are more than 20,000 varieties of terpenes throughout nature, more than 200 of which are found in cannabis. Terpene production evolved in plants, including cannabis, to attract certain pollinators and to act as a defense mechanism to predators.


What is the difference between primary and secondary terpenes? 


A primary terpene in cannabis is the terpene with the highest amount present and they are the force behind the aroma produced by cannabis strains. Secondary terpenes may be found in a smaller amount and contribute to the effects produced by a strain.

While primary terpenes largely influence how any individual plant smells, and affect a plant's growth and development. Secondary terpenes are present to aid the plant's defense. In general, the unique aroma carried by each plant is a product of the primary terpenes present within the plant and the medicinal value of any given strain is contributed to both primary and secondary terpenes combined.


Primary terpenes such as Myrcene are the most commonly found terpenes in Oklahoma cannabis products. Terpenes are the compounds that you can instantly smell on your buds.

As a result, their higher concentration is going to dictate your experience more than terpenes found in smaller amounts. 

You may have noticed that the terpene percentage is not as high as the cannabinoid levels (THC %) at the dispensary, but while they may have a smaller concentration than cannabinoids, they're just as important and pack the main punch you need!

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Secondary terpenes are the next most abundant terpene forms in the cannabis plant. Found in much smaller amounts than primary terpenes, they are still a critical part of your experience. For the Entourage effect to be maximized, it's important for you to consume the entire range of primary and secondary terpenes.

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