Is Cannabis Beneficial for Meditation?
The use of cannabis in conjunction with meditation is not a new phenomenon. Cannabis has a long history of use for meditation, healing, and spiritual rituals dating back thousands of years.
Holy men in some Hindu sects in Nepal and India use cannabis to aid in meditation, and many lay people use it for holidays and rituals. It is even said that the Hindu god Shiva used it and that he gave it to humans on Earth. Some Tantric Buddhists in Tibet and the greater Himalayan region used marijuana as part of contemplative rituals to both support meditation and enhance awareness of all aspects of their ceremonies. So, does cannabis help with meditation? Continue reading to find out how.
Reasons why cannabis may be beneficial for meditation
Meditation, as well as mindfulness practices, are practiced for a variety of reasons, and many people today use meditation to boost their health and curb stress. In fact, research shows that meditation can be extremely beneficial in this regard, reducing anxiety, pain, insomnia, and depression while also boosting the immune system.
Meditation, however, can be difficult for some people to begin. Meditation can cause people to relive trauma or have panic attacks in some cases, but this is not always the case. Cannabis may be especially beneficial for those who have trouble meditating. Cannabis users frequently report anecdotally that it helps them enter a more mindful state of mind, relaxing and calming their nervous response to meditation and allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the practice.
I am one of these users.
With the plant, they, as well as I are able to better connect with the inner world in a way that feels manageable, whereas, without it, the simple act of being with their mind was simply too much. Way too much talking and wondering going on up there.
The ability of cannabis to lessen stress reactions, including a reduction in cortisol levels and both a subjective sense of anxiety, makes sense scientifically. This can help bridge the gap for people who find meditation to be highly stressful or retraumatizing by easing them into the practice until they feel comfortable doing it on their own.
Cannabis may also aid in meditation for those who experience chronic pain. Cannabis' ability to reduce chronic pain can help eliminate a significant practice distraction and make prolonged sitting more comfortable. While some forms of meditation are intended to help us connect with our pain, others are not, and being able to concentrate on other aspects of experience can be beneficial for people who are experiencing chronic pain.
Others claim cannabis increases their awareness and cultivates mindfulness while they meditate or simply go about their daily lives. Some claim it increases their awareness of the illusory nature of reality and that things aren't really as they seem. Others claim it makes them more compassionate and kinder toward themselves and others. On the other hand, some people discover that meditation increases their creativity or insight.
Best cannabis strains for meditation
The strain you select will have a significant impact on the meditative experience you seek. Everyone has a preference, and discovering yours will require some experimenting.
Sativa strains, as well as sativa-dominant hybrids, are said to be more energizing, focusing, and motivating. This makes them ideal for use during the day. As a result, you may believe that avoiding sativa strains for meditation is a good idea.
Indica strains, on the other hand, are said to be more calming and sedative. Many people believe this means they are the "ideal" option for meditation.