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Cannabis X Diabetes

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

The Benefits Of Cannabis In Diabetes Patients

If you have been reading about diabetes, you may have realized that the prevalence of this metabolic problem continues to grow. The condition is characterized by high blood glucose levels and affects millions of people across the world. While the condition can be treated using conventional medicine, scientists are busy looking for natural and safer remedies. In particular, they are working to establish the effects of cannabis in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. The benefits of cannabis in diabetes patients are many, some of which are discussed in this article.

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So, what are the benefits of cannabis in diabetes patients?

The MedicalNews Today reports the benefits of marijuana for diabetes patients as suggested by the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis. These include:

· Regulating blood sugar levels

· Decreasing neuropathic pain associated with diabetes due to its analgesic properties

· Relieving muscle cramps resulting from diabetes

· Reducing arterial inflammation given its antioxidant properties

· Relieving gastrointestinal cramping and pain

· Keeping your blood vessels open helps reduce high blood pressure, which is a diabetes complication.

Apart from these, cannabis may have additional benefits for diabetic patients.

1. Cannabis for decreased anxiety and depression

The disease burden associated with diabetes exposes patients to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. These conditions are not only disabling, but they also make it difficult to manage blood sugars effectively. Diabetic patients can benefit from cannabis because it has been found to be effective in treating these mental health problems.

2. Cannabis for lowering the risk of obesity

Obesity is one of the risk factors of diabetes. As such, one of the approaches to preventing and treating diabetes is weight management, and cannabis can be used for this. The occurrence of obesity is lower among cannabis users, meaning that weed can be useful in treating and preventing diabetes.

3. Treating diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common diabetic complications, affecting up to 80% of individuals who have had the condition for over a decade. Diabetic neuropathy results from the progressive damage of the cells of the retina over the years. It is believed that oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory immune response processes play a key role in the damage of the cells.

Cannabidiol, a chemical compound in cannabis, has the ability to combat both inflammation and oxidative stress. Consequently, cannabis could be useful in treating diabetic retinopathy.

4. Promoting insulin sensitivity

Diabetes is associated with insulin resistance, which results in its ineffective use by the body. Cannabis can increase insulin sensitivity. As such, it can be beneficial among diabetic patients.


While cannabis is beneficial to diabetic patients, you need to use it sparingly to avoid side effects. The main side-effect that patients with diabetes need to be careful about is what is commonly referred to as “the munchies.” This involves an increase in appetite, which may, in turn, lead to high blood sugar. A high appetite that leads to the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates is problematic to patients with diabetes because carbohydrates produce a spike in levels of blood sugars.

Final Thought

Diabetic patients can benefit significantly from the consumption of cannabis. If you or any of your loved ones have diabetes, grab a marijuana product and enjoy its benefits.


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