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Bipolar Disorder? Ever Thought About Cannabis?

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

Should You Consume Cannabis If You Have Bipolar Disorder?

How safe is it for individuals with bipolar disorder to consume cannabis? This is an intriguing question that users, especially patients, would want answered. Can it be used to treat bipolar? They are right to ask this question because cannabis consumption has been associated with psychosis, which may worsen bipolar symptoms. If you have had these questions, keep reading as we answer them.

At the end of the article, you would have decided if it is safe and effective for bipolar patients to consume cannabis.

Is cannabis safe for use among bipolar patients?

Marijuana is among the most abused drugs in the US. Several people with bipolar disorder have also abused the drug in the hope that they get relief from the symptoms. When abused by anyone, regardless of their health condition, the drug isn’t safe. Why?

One of the chemical compounds known as THC has been buzzed to have significant health benefits. However, the same compound is also responsible for the “high” associated with cannabis. When used in high doses or concentrations, it may cause intoxication and, at times lead to psychosis. Psychosis is one of the symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. Effectively, excessive consumption of weed could worsen the condition.

However, when used in moderation alongside at least 1% CBD, the psychotic effects are curbed, and one may get relief from their symptoms. That being said, we can conclude that it is safe for people with bipolar disorder to use cannabis in moderate dosages. In particular, strains with high levels of CBD are safe for these individuals.

Is medical marijuana effective in treating bipolar disorder?

Now that the safety of cannabis use among people with bipolar disorder is guaranteed, it is important to know if it is effective for treating bipolar symptoms. Currently, there is a lack of clinical studies proving that marijuana may treat bipolar disorder.

However, some people swear by its effectiveness. Numerous anecdotal reports indicate that cannabis helps treat bipolar disorder. Several individuals with bipolar have taken to forums such as Reddit to share the benefits of medical marijuana. A number of them claim that weed offers more relief from their bipolar symptoms with limited side effects. The initial reports indicate that indica-dominant strains are particularly useful in providing relaxation and calmness.

Marijuana works by slowing down the brain. For this reason, people with bipolar disorder benefit in that cannabis helps alleviate anxiety, stress, and maniac symptoms.

Why use marijuana instead of conventional drugs?

It is important to state that while the disorder may feel overwhelming, it is treatable with conventional medication.

So, why should one use marijuana for bipolar disorder when it can be treated pharmacologically? Medical marijuana seems like a better alternative to prescription drugs that may be ineffective. Marijuana gives relief to bipolar symptoms, but it has fewer and less severe side effects than pharmaceutical drugs.

Additionally, cannabis is less cost-prohibitive and more affordable than prescription drugs.

Final words

If you have bipolar, marijuana is generally safe to use, provided you don’t abuse it by taking very high doses. Given that high doses may aggravate psychotic episodes, it is a good idea to avoid strains with high THC levels and go for ones with more than 1% CBD levels. However, before you start using cannabis products, inform your care provider about your intentions.


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